==================================welcome to my website plz have a look around==================================
_______Custom Plugin Here info_______

Do you want a custom plugin or need help. If you said yes then plz keep reading

Price: It will be $1 For 1 hour and how hard it is to make it it can be from $FREE$ up to $200$ it all depend on the time and how hard it is to make the plugin.
____________Plugins I made__________

Cops And Robber: Not private​​
If you have me to make a private plugin i will not post it here or the name You did But you must ask me to make it private or not if you say nothing i will ask you just to remind you !​
​_________Info on how to contact me________
Skype: xxmobkiller
Email: xxmobkiller@gmail.com
Bukkit: ​​​http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/xxmobkiller/
Minecraft Server Ip: Comming soon
Steam: xxmobkiller
facebook: comming soon
minecraft name: xxmobkiller